Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Have Something Done

pattern : ( have + past participle (V3) ) 

*) the past participle is used after "have" to give a passive meaning.

examples : she had her dress washed ( by someone ) last week.
means : she caused her dress to be washed by someone

pattern :

  • S + have / has + Obj + V3
  • S + had + Obj + V3 + past time 
  • S + to be + having + Obj + V3 + at the moment / now / right now 
exercises :
1. She ( is having ) the new car ( bought ) at the moment
2. Jim ( had ) Dave ( clean ) the floor two hours ago
3. Han ( has ) Mia care his cat
4. They ( are having ) the house ( painted ) right now
5. How often does he ( has ) his bicycle ( serviced ) ? 

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Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Have Something Done

pattern : ( have + past participle (V3) ) 

*) the past participle is used after "have" to give a passive meaning.

examples : she had her dress washed ( by someone ) last week.
means : she caused her dress to be washed by someone

pattern :

  • S + have / has + Obj + V3
  • S + had + Obj + V3 + past time 
  • S + to be + having + Obj + V3 + at the moment / now / right now 
exercises :
1. She ( is having ) the new car ( bought ) at the moment
2. Jim ( had ) Dave ( clean ) the floor two hours ago
3. Han ( has ) Mia care his cat
4. They ( are having ) the house ( painted ) right now
5. How often does he ( has ) his bicycle ( serviced ) ? 

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